- The Easy Way To Learn Programming!


These tutorials are designed for the beginner Javascript programmer in mind or for somebody who used to program in Javascript and needs a quick refresher. This tutorial series has 37 videos for you to choose from. Just click on a subject in the left menu and that video will load and you can play it right here.

Lesson 1 - Download an Editor

In this video I show you what editor will be used for the tutorial, and I show you a couple other ones that are available.

Lesson 2 - Setting Up the Editor and Using Comments

In this video I show you how to setup the Atom Editor which will be used for this entire Javascript Tutorial. I also teach you about comments in Javascript.

Lesson 3 - Variables

In this video I teach you about variables in Javascript.

Lesson 4 - Types of Variables

In this video I teach you all about the different types of variables in Javascript.

Lesson 5 - Multiple Variables and Reassigning Variables Value

In this video I teach you how to use multiple variables in Javascript and also how to reassign a variables value.

Lesson 6 - Functions

In this video I teach about functions in Javascript.

Lesson 7 - Functions with Parameters

In this video I teach about functions with parameters in Javascript.

Lesson 8 - The Return Statement

In this video I teach about the return statement in Javascript.

Lesson 9 - Using a Function Inside Another Function

In this video I teach how to use a function inside of another function in Javascript.

Lesson 10 - Global and Local Variables

In this video I teach about global and local variables in Javascript.

Lesson 11 - Internal & External Javascript

In this video I teach the difference between internal and external Javascript.

Lesson 12 - Math Operators

In this video I teach you about math operators in Javascript.

Lesson 13 - Assignment Operators

In this video I teach you about assignment operators in Javascript.

Lesson 14 - getElementById & innerHTML

In this video I teach you about assignment operators in Javascript.

Lesson 15 - If - Else If - Else & Double Equals

In this video I teach you about the very important topic of if - else if- else & double equals in Javascript.

Lesson 16 - Nested If Statements & Escaping Characters

In this video I teach you about nested if statements and escaping characters in Javascript.

Lesson 17 - Complex Conditions

In this video I teach you about complex conditions in Javascript.

Lesson 18 - The Switch Statement

In this video I teach you about the switch statement in Javascript.

Lesson 19 - For Loop

In this video I teach you about the for loop in Javascript.

Lesson 20 - While Loop

In this video I teach you about the while loop in Javascript.

Lesson 21 - Do While Loop

In this video I teach you about the do while loop in Javascript.

Lesson 22 - Event Handlers

In this video I teach you about event handlers in Javascript.

Lesson 23 - Objects

In this video I teach you about objects in Javascript.

Lesson 24 - Adding Methods to Objects

In this video I teach you about adding methods to objects in Javascript.

Lesson 25 - Arrays

In this video I teach you about arrays in Javascript.

Lesson 26 - Other Ways to Create Arrays

In this video I teach you about other ways to create arrays in Javascript.

Lesson 27 - Join & Pop

In this video I teach you about join and pop in Javascript.

Lesson 28 - Reverse, Push, & Sort

In this video I teach you about reverse, push, & sort in Javascript.

Lesson 29 - Display Array Using For Loop

In this video I teach you how to display an array using a for loop in Javascript.

Lesson 30 - Associative Arrays

In this video I teach you associative arrays in Javascript.

Lesson 31 - Math Objects

In this video I teach you math objects in Javascript.

Lesson 32 - Square Root Calculator

In this video I teach you how to make a basic square root calculator in Javascript.

Lesson 33 - setInterval

In this video I teach you about setInterval in Javascript.

Lesson 34 - Date Object & Making a Digital Clock

In this video I teach you about the date object and how to make a digital clock in Javascript.

Lesson 35 - Making Our Digital Clock a 12 Hour Clock

In this video I teach you how to make the digital clock we made in our last tutorial a 12 hour clock instead of a 24 hour clock in Javascript.

Lesson 36 - Forms & Javascript

In this video I teach you how to interact with forms in Javascript.

Lesson 37 - Forms Validation & Making a Calculator

In this video I teach you how to validate a form in Javascript and then how to use form validation to make a calculator.